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Enhanced Membership Tzedakah Circle 2024-2025

Temple Dor Dorim’s 2024 - 2025
Enhanced Annual Membership Tzedakah Circle
We need you!  Please consider becoming a part of our Enhanced Membership Tzedakah Circle. Your generosity helps to provide membership and Religious School to those who cannot afford it.
Your Enhanced Membership will ensure that our Temple doors will remain open to our Jewish community and no one will be turned away because of financial difficulties.
Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of our Temple Families​​
“L’Dor v’Dor ~ From Generation to Generation”

If you have questions or prefer to register via phone or email, please contact Jill Hochberg at 954-389-1232, Ext. 127 or at JHochberg@templedordorim.org.

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785